Do you see the market in 3D?
Market Profile allows traders to see the market in three dimensions by showing time and volume at each price level.
of all day traders quit within the first two years. 1
of all day traders are able to predictably profit net of fees. 1
it's irrational
“Persistent trading in the face of losses is inconsistent with models of rational learning” 1
Seperate yourself from the crowd
Course Outline
The Path to Profitability
Lesson one starts with an understanding of a trader’s process for developing a profitable strategy. Where to start, what steps must be completed, and what sign posts to look for along the way.
The Two-Way Auction Process
Lesson two explains the auction progress and how it can give a trader an edge over their competition.
Thinking in Probabilities
Lesson three teaches traders how to think; using logic and mathematical probabilities to gain an edge over traders making decisions based on emotions.
Market Profile Chart
Lesson four teaches traders how to recognize market generated information with market profile.
Developing Value
Lesson five covers why traders should focus on value not price.
Initial Balance
Lesson six covers how the first hour sets the tone for the day.
Point of Control
Lesson seven covers recognizing the fairest price to do business and understand when it gives a trader an edge.
Lesson eight teaches traders how to make the trend their friend.
Lesson nine teaches traders how to recognize when a market is in a rotational range.
Weak References
Lesson ten covers how to recognize who the current participants are and how well the auction is going.
Single Prints
Lesson eleven covers how to recognize the end of an auction or a change in the market.
Liquidation & Short Covering
Lesson twelve covers how to recognize a Liquidation Break or Short Covering.
Lesson thirteen covers why Market Generated Information is the key to consistency.
The Cold Hard Truth
Lesson fourteen wraps up the concepts and prepares a trader for the reality of the journey to profitability ahead.
Over 5 Hours of Content
"Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become."
~~ James Clear ~~
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